Smile! It's your best asset!
Welcome to 2025! As we step into 2025, holds new beginnings and healthy blessings. Live well!

Smile! It's your best asset!
Welcome to 2025! As we step into 2025, holds new beginnings and healthy blessings. Live well!
Exclusive interview on Fox 26- Houston
Exclusive interview on Fox 26- Houston
The Smiles Delivery Co
Produces calendars, manufacture products, and is a booking agency for for amazing, distinguished gentlemen who have a passion for fashion, community and men’s health. This year's calendars will continue the tradition of amazing black men who have a passion for fashion and black mens health. Two astonishing calendars. THE RUNWAY ASSASSIN and The Runway Assassin and Friends.
Look at your reflection
Without a doubt, there is no reason to fix your lips to even question
Whether or not you belong in this space, in fact I’d like for you to take back what you misplaced
It’s that big smile that’s been missing from your beautiful face
Please, embrace it and take in all of God’s grace
Because you my dear, you are right where you need to be
So get comfortable, relax and set all of those doubts and worries free
And remember to smile……. Contagiously
- Jake Lee
Copyright © 2025 Smiles Delivery Co. - All Rights Reserved.
Adults 21+ only. We smile responsibly.